Teaching One and Two Step Instructions

Before we can get into any heavy duty academics, we need to ensure that our students can follow some basic instructions. Some students struggle with receptive language processing meaning they have a hard time understanding our verbal cues and prompts. Think about how many times in one day we tell our student or child to do something. “Put this in the garbage.” “Sit down.” “Come over here.” We need to not expect our kids to always understand and comprehend these directives in-situ. There is a lot going on when we give this quick commands. Our students need to comprehend this statement over the commotion of a busy classroom maybe when they were previously involved in another task. So it’s essential to work on one step commands in isolation in direct instruction.So it’s important to start to slowly build concrete basic receptive language skills by working on following one step instructions. Following directions is a critical functional and academic skill.

This program guide and data sheet is from our Discrete Trial Goal Sheets and Data Forms Set 2.

How to Teach One Step Commands:

  1. Choose Commands. Pick 3-4 different commands to work on. If you focus on 1 or 2 – the student will have a good chance of just guessing the correct response.
  2. Errorless Learning. Start by physical prompting the student. This is called errorless learning. Say, “Do this” and show your student the motion. Then immediately physically prompt them to do the same movement. Provide praise and reinforcement.
  3. Fade Prompts. Start to fade your physical prompting. See if the student can either initiate or finish the movement on his own. Provide extra reinforcement for any response that is partially independent.
  4. Use High Powered Reinforcers. Use the good stuff – cheetohs, goldfish crackers, or iPad. Limit access to these special treats except during these instructional time periods.
  5. Provide Error Correction. Once you have faded prompts and are working on mastering each comment – make sure to handle errors correctly. When a student responds incorrectly, say a simple no and represent the movement. Do not provide reinforcement for errors. You don’t want your student to just try loads of different movements and then get the reinforcer.
  6. Repetition is key. Keep at it. This takes time! It won’t come overnight. Keep taking data and working on it consistently.

Once one step directions are masted, it’s important to also work on two step (or multi-step) directions in the same way as well. We are constantly giving multi-step directions so this will help increase the functionality of this skill!

Tips for Teaching Multi-Step Commands:

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